We Have an Innate and Powerful Desire to Change
If you stop and look around at how much material is available for self-improvement, you can’t help but realize that a lot of people want to be better. As humans, this is because we have an innate and very powerful desire to change. Many of us aren’t content to just be, because we have this underlying sense that there is more to life than what we are experiencing.
We Live in a New World That Requires New Systems
Life is getting more complex, more competitive, and more diverse. In the past, belief systems were the glue that held us together. Today those belief systems are losing some of their strength. Now we live in a new world that requires new systems. We need systems that will help us change so we can move with greater freedom. And we particularly need systems that will empower us to succeed in navigating new levels of complexity so we can meet new challenges with calm confidence. In order to do that, we need to be very clear about our own uniqueness and especially about how we are designed to interact with others.
How to Become as a Process
Fortunately, humans are designed to be able to do that. We have the innate capacity to “become”. Becoming is an active process of discovery. In a sense, it means to “actively participate in your own ongoing creation”. What we have to learn is how to “become” as a process, not as a goal.
Self-Awareness is a Step to Self-Improvement
Self-awareness is an important step in the self-improvement process because it slows down your reaction to the world, providing you with a chance to be conscious. In the language of self-transformation, to be conscious is to act with the knowledge that you know that you are acting. When we are conscious, we have a tiny window of opportunity where we can behave differently than we usually do. On the physical level of our neurology, we literally have the ability to stop our own behavior and make a substitution.
Act in Order to Change
This little window doesn’t stay open for very long, which means that when you recognize it you have to be able to act very quickly. This is because you don’t have time to try and decide which behavior you want to substitute. And if you want to truly change, you have to be able to act differently, to substitute a different behavior. No amount of thinking is going to bring about any actual change. You must act in order to change.
Acting in the Now
I’m talking here about acting right in the heat of the moment. This means in the very heart of the now, where everything moves along so very quickly. We rarely have the luxury of pondering what we are going to do in the now, we just do. So we have to be prepared with some idea in mind of what the substitute behavior is going to be. We have to have in mind what we are becoming. The easiest way to do this is to discover your own individual design and align with it.
Live Your Own Design and Become Yourself
I look around and I see that there are lots of people telling us what we want to become and usually they are saying we should become like them. Okay, fair enough, maybe we should. But then again maybe I should live my own design and become myself. And you should live your own design and become yourself. It’s been my experience that it’s more satisfying to be myself then it is to be somebody else. Plus, I’d rather make my mistakes than yours.
Self-Improvement – The Human Design Solution
In the past, it’s generally been a long, slow, and difficult endeavor to discover yourself sufficiently well enough to really participate in your own self-improvement processes. After all, we are very complex and there’s a lot to sift through to determine what is ours and what isn’t. However, like everything else in our world, this too has changed in the past 20 years. Today we can tap into our individual design very quickly.
Human Design reveals the specifics of your core, wired behaviors. In fact, it clearly and precisely defines your own personal, natural strategies for decision making, bonding, and much more. Once you rediscover who you are, you will find that you can trust yourself and then life becomes effortless.
Photo by Ashley Batz
About Kip Winsett, Top Rated Human Design Expert in San Diego, California
I have been a licensed Human Design analyst since 2000, after training in Taos, New Mexico with Zeno and Martin Grassinger, followed by extensive study in San Diego with Chetan Parkyn.
In 2004 I was contracted to write the “Basic” course for the only Human Design school in the US approved by Ra Uru Hu at the time. All of my material was reviewed and approved by Ra.
Follow me on Instagram for more great Human Design content!
Tags: human design system, human design analyst, manifesting generator, generator, projector, manifestor, reflector, astrology, iching, chakras, aura, higher consciousness, soul growth, who am I, paradigm shift, inner journey, life purpose, self-improvement, personal development
What a profound and practical guide for individual and collective growth!
I can SEE the gold nuggets you have picked up in your journey, concepts you have understood and share with us now in a digestible way.
I remember reading the ‘Tao of Pooh’ and there is a line where Christopher Robin asks Winnie the Pooh what his favourite thing is. He replies, ‘the moment before eating a pot of honey.’ The moment before….the space between the notes…the energy between mutative pulses…these are all the same ideas from different sources that I’ve read to say what you’ve said. That ‘’becoming’ is a process and not just a goal. It’s not something to be rushed. I am thoroughly enjoying the process thanks to wise teachers.
Great post Kip, I will be coming back to this often.
Yes, there are many lovely ways to talk about the truth of life. I appreciate them all. And I look forward to you coming back here.