The following are all direct quotes from Ra Uru Hu as he speaks the truth about the transformations. Here, he offers his insights into the Human Design variables (or the arrows), the nodes, and conditioning. Quotes are followed by a comment from me.

“….the external is not something that is in essence something which is a part of your process until you go through a Saturn cycle. I do not know, honestly, whether that means somebody like me who’s 21 years in this process is still 7 years away from this being correct environmentally. I don’t know if that’s true.”

Ra is saying clearly he doesn’t know.

“I was not given a roadmap to help people who are conditioned. All of this has been part of my work over these years in trying to find practical ways to help people with the knowledge so they can become deconditioned. And it is clear to me that I’ve seen what Strategy and Authority and dietary regimen do.”

Ra is saying that he didn’t receive clear instructions on how to help those of us who are conditioned – that’s everybody now alive.

“I really don’t know what the rules are for those of us, all of us, who started our lives conditioned. I don’t even know if there are any rules beyond Strategy and Authority and dietary regimen. This is because I THINK the only things that are absolutely essential for TRANSFORMATION are those two things.”

Ra is definitively stating that he doesn’t know what the rules are, he just has thoughts about it.

“I see very clearly it is the Design internal (the nodes) that has to be one of the most important foundations that we lay out there. Specifically in terms of being able to help people get to a point where they can truly begin to look at the possibility of these TRANSFORMATIONS. And again, I don’t know the rules. I don’t know how that’s supposed to work.”

Ra is saying that he doesn’t know how the design internals (the nodes) are supposed to work.

“For somebody who is truly and deeply into their experiment, you always point them to the same thing. That is, you point them to Strategy and Authority. These are things that have to arise out of what is correct for you. If you’re a Generator and somebody asks you, are you doing this or that? And you go uh uh, it is what it is, it is correct. And it’s correct for however long that remains the truth for that person and their authority.”

Ra is saying that there are no rules that we ALL have to follow – just our design as we relate to it.

“It’s not about anybody HAS to do anything. It can only be when one is correct. And for those of us who started our lives conditioned, we have to be so acutely aware of the correctness of our geometry in this process. We cannot be seduced by our minds in allowing the not-self mind to slip back in under the guise of trying to drive us forward to greater transformation. The mind saying, all right, I’m going to pick up and move, let’s do that. Let’s get a new environment. It’s the last thing we need. The integrity of this knowledge is only dependent on one thing. That there is legitimacy in the experiment, in the experimentation. Otherwise, it can’t be left to the mind to make any of these decisions, obviously.”

Ra is saying that NOBODY has to do anything, and pointing out again how we tend to involve the mind in our trip. If you live right as who you are, the transformations will happen.

“Always remember that we’re being theoretical here. What is going on here has to be added to and synthesized with the enormous amount of data that’s already there in the other aspects of the Design. Whether in the substructure or in the bodygraph itself, whether in the database or in the complete holistic image. You have to see that this is an element, so don’t take it out of proportion, because it’s going to be conditioned by the type, the profile, the this, the that. So again, just see it as a way of beginning to build your database, your information base about the way in which things work. Rather than jumping to conclusions about extrapolating any one of these aspects into a totality.”

Ra is saying that this is all theoretical and just one more piece of the whole.

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Kip Winsett Human Design System Pro Training Balboa Park San Diego

About Kip Winsett, Top Rated Human Design Expert in San Diego, California

I have been a licensed Human Design analyst since 2000, after training in Taos, New Mexico with Zeno and Martin Grassinger, followed by extensive study in San Diego with Chetan Parkyn.

In 2004 I was contracted to write the “Basic” course for the only Human Design school in the US approved by Ra Uru Hu at the time. All of my material was reviewed and approved by Ra.

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