Know Your Child’s Potential

Being able to know your child’s design is a unique opportunity. Understanding your child’s potential through Human Design allows you to interact with your child in a way that really enhances their strengths and strengthens their weaknesses. Human Design enables you to understand behaviors that might otherwise be unfamiliar to you. So much of what you do is going to be absorbed by your children, is going to become a part of them. So it’s a wondrous thing to be able to also do and say what will help them become them.

Our Children Aren’t Just Like Us

Being a parent is challenging. All of us want what’s best for our children. But usually, we decide “what’s best for them” based on our own existence and experience. Well, of course, we do because what else do we have? Until Human Design, that was all we had. We learned a religion and either followed it or rejected it. Then we passed that on to our kids in the belief that our decision for ourselves was right for them. That would be fine if our kids were just like us and were going to have experiences that were just like ours. But that’s not the way things are.

Genetic Strategies and Your Child’s Potential

When you really understand another person’s genetic behavioral strategies, you can then provide them with opportunities that make sense to them. For example, if you know that your child is wired to be particularly alert to sounds, then you know that when you are educating her, you need to emphasize the verbal rather than the visual. If you know that your child lives on an emotional wave, then you can help him understand how time is his ally. You can help him to avoid making hasty decisions. That will make sense to an emotionally defined child.

Understanding is the True Gift of Love

My youngest son is extensively wired as an individual – not as a tribal or collective person. Knowing this, I’m able to easily accept that he tends to do things in his own way. I’m also able to make a point of explaining to him about tribal and collective behaviors, about which he innately knows nothing.

There is no greater gift of love you can give your children than to truly understand them. To really know who they are. When you truly know your child’s potential, you can empower them to be what they are best at being – themselves.

Photo by Annie Spratt

Kip Winsett Human Design System Pro Training Balboa Park San Diego

About Kip Winsett, Top Rated Human Design Expert in San Diego, California

I have been a licensed Human Design analyst since 2000, after training in Taos, New Mexico with Zeno and Martin Grassinger, followed by extensive study in San Diego with Chetan Parkyn.

In 2004 I was contracted to write the “Basic” course for the only Human Design school in the US approved by Ra Uru Hu at the time. All of my material was reviewed and approved by Ra.

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    Tags: human design system, human design analyst, manifesting generator, generator, projector, manifestor, reflector, astrology, iching, chakras, aura, higher consciousness, soul growth, who am I, paradigm shift, inner journey, life purpose, self-improvement, personal development