by Kip Winsett | Human Design System
The Meaning of SUBCONSCIOUS and UNCONSCIOUS We seem to easily conflate the terms subconscious and unconscious, yet they mean something very different, and the differences are important. I’ve been thinking about how common words are often brought into some...
by Kip Winsett | Human Design System
A major tenet of the Human Design System is that the undefined and open centers play critical roles in our behavioral processes. While the defined channels, centers, and gates are in constant operation because they are hardwired, the behaviors in the open and...
by Kip Winsett | Human Design System
NO CHOICE – Fact or Fiction? In the ‘No Choice’ paradigm, this discussion has taken place millions of times over thousands of years to no avail. It’s never resolved. First, I always try to remember that anything said about this subject is pure...
by Kip Winsett | Human Design System
The Right Angle Incarnation Cross of the Sphinx is the plot line or storyline that your Type stars in, acting in the character of your Profile. The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx is derived from the conscious and unconscious gates in your sun and earth. Any...
by Kip Winsett | Human Design System
FIRST, IT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE BRAIN AND MIND ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS (BEFORE WE DELVE INTO THE DEFINED MIND). The Brain The brain is a physical organ. Of the many theories I have read about the mind, I prefer the one that describes the mind as a...
by Kip Winsett | Human Design System
Do without doing means exactly that. We get so attached to consciously, deliberately doing. We start trying to do this or that. For example, we focus on trying to be a generator or a projector, or any number of aspects in our chart – profile, channels, gates, lines,...
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