

A mystical experience is one in which you are transported deep within yourself where you are immersed in a powerful sense of being and belonging that is usually absent in our everyday lives.

In the throes of a mystical experience, all of your brain’s filters and organizing programs are shut down and your senses become magnified gateways that shift your mind to the inner workings of your brain. In this state, you can see and hear your own reality. And, if you choose to, you can see how your reality relates to other realities – the “Big Picture”.

In Human Design, there are 4 channels made up of 8 gates that Ra labeled “mystic”:

  • 19-49 in the Ego circuit
  • 37-40 in the Ego group
  • 51-25 in the Centering circuit
  • 10-20 in the Integration channels

If you look at a bodygraph you can see that the “mystical” path progresses from the Root to the Solar Plexus to the Heart to the Self and finally to the Throat. It’s important to understand that these centers can operate at different frequencies and I am describing them as they are when they are operating in the “mystic frequency”.

The following is a very brief description of the mystical process.

19-49 Channel of Synthesis, Sensitivity

The process starts in the Root center where the pressure of Gate 19 fuels an intense sensation of needing and wanting to be part of a community. There is an intense need to become an integral part of everything – not just your local community. This level of need is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain and is usually held in check so you can cope with the mundane world.

The energy of Gate 49 in the Emotional center drives you to make the changes within yourself that enable your body to break down the artificial, learned structures in the brain that keep us bound as “separate” from most of “reality”.

37-40 Channel of Community

The energy moves to Gate 37 and there is an intense flood of “pleasure” chemicals from the established emotional wave that moves you to seek a close connection with whatever reality has been served up by Gate 49. You may seek to bond with “God” or perhaps a “higher consciousness”.

Next up is Gate 40 and now the energy becomes channeled toward moving into a period of solitude which is ideal for “ego death”, a state in which the ego no longer needs to be in control, and so it lets go of itself and everything it wants.

51-25 Channel of Initiation, Wishing to be first

In Gate 51 you are in a state of unfocused existence and are shocked to discover that the reality you now perceive bears very little resemblance to everything you thought you knew about reality. This is a critical juncture because you now have to let go of the shock and take a leap of faith – believing you will land in paradise.

Gate 25. If you survive the leap and have truly and completely shed your ego you will find yourself in a reality in which you have no agenda, where you realize that there is no “you” separate from everything else.

10-20 Channel of Awakening, Higher principles

From Gate 10 to Gate 20 is where the truth lies in the overarching oneness and completeness of the eternal moment. A moment that exists outside of time where past and future are realized fully, your soul is free, and there is only the light. It is not at all an easy state to achieve.

In the West, it’s pretty common to use any of the so-called mind-expanding drugs that are able to induce mystical states of altered perception and thought, frequently with a heightened awareness of sensory input.

I’ve had the pleasure of this journey many times. How about you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Photo by Canva

Kip Winsett Human Design System Pro Training Balboa Park San Diego

About Kip Winsett, Top Rated Human Design Expert in San Diego, California

I have been a licensed Human Design analyst since 2000, having studied extensively with Chetan Parkyn, Zeno, and Martin Grassinger.

In 2004 I was contracted to write the “Basic” course for the only online HDS school in the country approved by Ra Uru Hu. All of my material was reviewed and approved by Ra.

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